2017年12月31日 星期日

作者介紹 About me


劉興哲 Hsing-Che LIU

台灣.新竹縣 (Hsinchu county, TAIWAN)

電子信箱 E-mail

臺灣研蟲誌 主編 (2023~)
觀察家生態顧問公司 生態工程部水域組 (2024~)
臺灣蜻蜓學會 兼任研究人員 (2024~)


學會參與 Society

專長興趣 Skills and expertise

Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hsing_Che_Liu2
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?user=fStCKY8AAAAJ&hl=zh-TW

學術論文 Published scientific papers:
  1. Liu, H.-C. & R. Watanabe. (2018) New Records of Copelatus minutissimus J. Balfour-Browne, 1939 (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) fromTaiwan. Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies 3(3): 60-62. (in Chinese)
  2. Mitamura, T., H.-C. Liu., K. Hirasawa & S. Yoshii. (2018) New Distributional Record of Paraplea liturata (Fieber, 1844) (Hemiptera : Pleidae) from Taiwan. Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies 3(4): 72-74. (in Chinese)
  3. Watanabe, K., H.-C. Liu., T. Mitamura & S. Yoshii. (2018) New Distributional Records of Dytiscid Beetles (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae) from Taiwan. Elytra, Tokyo, New Series 8(2): 429-430.
  4. Fikáček, M., H.-C. Liu (2019) A review of Thysanarthria with description of seven new species and comments on its relationship to Chaetarthria (Hydrophilidae: Chaetarthriini). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 59 (1): 229-252. (SCI)
  5. Liu, H.-C. (2019) Checklist of determined insect specimens of the NCHU museum of entomology. I. Dytiscidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies 4(3): 19-23.
  6. Liu, H.-C., F.-S. Hu & M. Fikáček (2020) Review of the genus Coelostoma of Taiwan with description of a new species (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 60 (1): 155-162. (SCI) 
  7. Fikáček, M., F.-S. Hu, P. Aston, F.-L. Jia, W.-R. Liang, H.-C. Liu & Y. N. Minoshima (2020) Comparative morphology of immature stages and adults of Hydroscapha from Taiwan, with description of a new species from Hong-Kong (Coleoptera: Myxophaga: Hydroscaphidae). Raffles Journal of Zoology 68: 334-349. (SCI)
  8. Liu, H.-C. (2020) Review of the Genus Platynectes Straneo, 1939 (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) from Taiwan. Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies 5(2): 31-35.
  9. Liu, H.-C. (2020) Aquatic Beetles Diversity Analysis of Middle of Taiwan and Taxonomic Study of Helochares (Insecta: Coleoptera). Unpubl. Bsc. Thesis. Department of Environmental Engineering and Management,  Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan. 60 pp.
  10. Angus R. B., D. Sadilek, F. Shaarawi, H. Dollimore, H.-C. Liu, M. Seidel, V. Sykora & M. Fikáček. (2020) Karyotypes of the water scavenger beetles (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae): new data and review of published records.Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. https://doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa105. (SCI)
  11. Hu, F.-S. & H.-C. Liu. (2020) New Records of the Genus Stenus Latreille 1797 in Taiwan with a Literature Review of the Taiwanese Species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies 5(4): 44-48.
  12. Liu, H.-C., J.-H. Lin & K.-Y. Zheng. (2020) Notes on Water Beetle (Insecta: Coleoptera) of Penghu Islands, Taiwan. Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies 5(4): 49-60. (in Chinese)
  13. Mitamura, T., K. Hirasawa, S. Yoshii & H.-C. Liu(2020) Additional records of two Microvelia species from Taiwan. Rostria 65: 91-95.
  14. Liu, H.-C., C.-H. Ma & M. Fikáček (2021Water scavenger beetles of Kinmen County, Taiwan (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). Taiwan Journal of Biodiversity 23(1): 39-62.
  15. Liu, H.-C. M. Fikáček (2021Review of the Taiwanese Laccobius Erichson, 1837 (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae), with description of a new species. Zootaxa 4963(3):587-599. (SCI)
  16. Liu, H.-C. (2021Aquatic beetle living in the city streets of Taiwan. Latissimus 50:10.
  17. Minoshima, Y. N., H.-C. Liu & M. Fikacek (2021) Description of larva of hygropetric Agraphydrus (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Acidocerinae)Elytra New Series 11(Supplement): 95-105.
  18. Liu, H.-C. C.-H. Ma, M. Fikáček & L.-J. Wang (2021Annotated Catalogue of the Water Scavenger Beetles from Orchid Island, Taiwan (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 27(2): 301-309.
  19. Liu, H.-C. & C.-H. Ma (2022) First Record of Limnometra femorata Mayr, 1865 (Hemiptera: Gerridae) in Taiwan Island. Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies 7(1): 12-13.
  20. Liu, H.-C. (2022Citizen science and social networking contributes to the aquatic beetle survey in Taiwan. Latissimus 52:14-15.
  21. Liu, H.-C., C.-H. Ma & H. Yoshitomi (2022) First report of the family Scirtidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) from Kinmen Island and Lanyu Island, Taiwan. Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies. 7(3): 43-45.
  22. Liu, H.-C., M. Fikáček & Y. N. Minoshima, (2022) New Record of Laccobius inopinus Gentili, 1980 (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae) from Taiwan, with update key to the Taiwanese species. Elytra New Series 12(2): 246–248.
  23. Liu, H.-C., Y.-H. Ho, H.-J. Cheng & J. Šťastný (2023) Notes on Hydradephaga and Hydrophilidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) of the Matsu Islands, including a New Record of Platynectes dissimilis (Sharp, 1873) from Taiwan. Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies 8(3): 70-75.
  24. Liu, H.-C., S.-L. Chen, H.-C. Tang, C.-H. Ma, I.-L. Lee, F.-S. Hu, B.-H. Ho, H.-Y. Lin & C.-J. Chou (2023) Survey of Aquatic Insects Fauna in Alibang Eco-Farm, Taiwan. Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies 8(3): 61-69.
  25. Minoshima, Y. M., M. Fikáček & H.-C. Liu (2023) Larval morphology of Crephelochares and Peltochares (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 63(2): 305–322. (SCI)
  26. Liu, H.-C. (2023) Berosus tayouanus Ueng, Wang & Wang, 2007, a New Synonym of Berosus incretus d'Orchymont, 1937, and new data of Berosus Leach, 1817 from Taiwan (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 29 (2): 347–349.
  27. Liu, H.-C. (2024) The Whirligig Beetles of Taiwan (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae): Taxonomy, Distribution and Current status. Formosan Entomologist 44: 124-136.
會議海報及口頭報告 Abstracts of organized conferences:

口頭報告 Oral presentations:
  1. Liu, H.-C. (2018). Aquatic insects of Taiwan. 39th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Entomological Society. National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, October 20-21.
  2. Hu, F.-S., H.-C. Liu, M. Fikáček, K.-J. Chi & K.-C. Kuan (2021). Evolution of the swimming behavior in water scavenger beetles (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae): preliminary results. Congress of Animal Behavior, Ecology and Environmental Education. National University of Tainan, Taiwan, January 23-24.
  3. Liu, H.-C. (2021). Diversity and distribution of diving beetles and water scavenger beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae, Hydrophilidae) in Taiwan. 1st Online Conference of Taiwan Society of Insect Natural History, Taiwan, June 27.
海報 Posters:
  1. Liu, H.-C., Chang J.-H. & Lee C.-F. (2019). Studies on taxonomy and ecology of the genus Helochares Mulsant, 1844 from Taiwan (Coleoptera:Hydrophilidae). 40th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Entomological Society, Xitou, Taiwan, October 19-20.
  2. Liu, H.-C. & Hu F.-S. (2021). First record of the subfamily Veliinae (Hemiptera: Veliidae) in Taiwan. 42th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Entomological Society, Google Meet, October 23-24.
  1. 劉興哲。2022。尋找瀕危大牙蟲。科學人7月號。245期。